
Research stories

In healthy populations, the song of regent honeyeaters is complex and long. But where the population is very small, the song is sadly diminished.

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Outside of university building showing metal panels with an encoded message

What, exactly, happens on the fifth floor of the Hanna Neumann Building? To find out, you first need to break the code.

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Associate Professor Marta Yebra is using data models to better predict future bushfire behaviour.

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Woman in natural bush setting, she is looking up at a wattle tree and has a mattock under her elbow. Her shirt reads Park Care and she is also wearing a rain coat.

If you’ve walked up Mount Taylor any time in the last few years, you might have seen Dr Kathy Eyles. She’s the one holding the mattock and taking notes.

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Woman holding a diagram

"I'm going to listen to the gynaecologists, I'm going to listen to the hysterectomy patients."

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Bronwyn Wilkes holding a basket of fruit and vegetables

Beyond the convenience of skipping supermarket queues, it seems the humble fruit and veggie box can make some people feel, well, happier.

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A group of ANU researchers are helping rehabilitate koalas after the 2020 bushfires.

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Bruny Island is a wild and windswept land mass on the east coast of Tasmania. It's one of the few places left where the swift parrot can raise its young.

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Lead author Dr Siva Karuturi

Researchers at The Australian National University have achieved a new efficiency record for hydrogen cells that can convert water into hydrogen.

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