Science precinct


Talking mental health with Kiaran Kirk

A welcome message from the Dean of the College of Science and Medicine, Professor Kiaran Kirk.

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ANU history and achievements

We are proud of our standing, our history and our achievements. In the past 70 years we have produced four Nobel Laureates, some of Australia’s most pre-eminent scientists and thousands of graduates with a world-class education in science.

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The College of Science and Medicine has extensive international engagement in both research and education. Students come from all over the world to experience our research-led education; our own students have many overseas opportunities; and our research staff and students collaborate widely across the globe.

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Science building night

Discover more about the ANU College of Science and Medicine governance and structure.

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Inside ANU

The ANU Science & Medicine Teaching & Learning Centre supports innovative and creative teachers who apply their ideas to their teaching approaches.

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We aim to be an inclusive and diverse community of students and staff, representative of the World around us, and where every member feels a sense of belonging and common purpose. To achieve this goal, we work to increase equity and access towards equality.

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What you need to know about moving to Australia

Explore our guide for staff containing practical advice on everything you need to know about relocating to Australia to work at the Australian National University.

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