Academic profile

Academic profiles

Physics educator, Associate Professor Joe Hope has flipped around the way that complex material is taught in the classroom.

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Meet Dejan Stojanovic, who is working to save the iconic Tasmanian swift parrot.

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I feel lucky to be a recipient of a gender equity fellowship in memory of such an amazing woman.

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Ben Corry graduated with a PhD in Physics from ANU and is now a senior lecturer in the Research School of Biology, focusing his reach on biophysics.

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Dr Mitzy Pepper, an evolutionary biologist with a background in geology, looks at how historical and environmental factors shape the way plants and animals evolve.

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In the front room of his coastal house in Eden, Dr Keith Crook sits among piles of identical and meticulously labelled field diaries.

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Leaping into new experiences. Graduate Martin Westgate chose to study at ANU because it provided him the opportunity to work on novel and exciting research that speaks to a global audience.

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An award-winning astronomer who needs both career and family

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A chemist and physicist sees science as an unduly gendered kind of world – but that need not be the case

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