Flipping physics education for the better

Publication date
Thursday, 2 Jul 2015

I hope that my students get inspired and I hope that my students gain confidence.

Physics educator, Associate Professor Joe Hope has flipped around the way that complex material is taught in the classroom. Find out why his unique approach is so appealing to students. 

Associate Professor Hope is from the ANU Research School of Physics and Engineering has taught more than a dozen courses in physics, spanning from introductory first year courses to specialised, research-aligned courses for undergraduate and masters students. He has also taught dozens of special research projects, extension courses and reading courses. In the last two years he has ceased lecturing in his courses, replacing lectures with best-practice online materials. This has allowed him to restructure face-to-face time into workshops that allow critical scaffolding activities that help students master key skills, and bridge the gap between learning content and applying it in context. 

Watch the video to find out why Associate Professor Hope was awarded a 2015 ANU Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence and is an ANU nominee for a national 2015 Office for Learning and Teaching Award for Teaching Excellence.

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