Student story

Student stories

Caitlin Sears
  • Career story

"I’m loving the job. It fits perfectly with what I’m interested in.”

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  • Student blog

Kate Holland takes us on a field trip to the Great Barrier Reef to learn how coral reefs are built and destroyed.

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  • Career story

Meet the Fenner School alumni who are now running Tasmania's first Christmas tree farm.

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  • Career story

Who makes the decision about the next appliance in a household? And what are the consequences? Sarah Wilson reports.

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  • Career story

The one-year program takes you around Australia, providing specialist training in science communication performance.

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  • Student profile

Five students. Same degree. Different interests and career paths. Where could the Bachelor of Science take you?

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  • Student blog

As part of my Environment and Sustainability degree I had the privilege of studying ‘The Future of Food’ over the winter break at Yale University in the US.

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  • Student blog

As a part of the ENVS2018 Environmental Science Field School course, we spent a week on ANU’s coastal campus at Kioloa.

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  • Student blog

In the heart of the dry rangelands, competing interests for resource use can cause tension between those involved, particularly in crucial times of drought.

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