Student story

Student stories

  • Career story

Bachelor of Science (Advanced) (Honours) student Damon Binder will follow in the footsteps of Stephen Hawking when he studies his PhD at Cambridge University.

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  • Career story

Meet Lee Constable who, just a year after graduating, has a job that combines knowledge and creativity.

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  • Student profile

Emlyn Graham can do a magic trick. He knows, at any moment, how to earn your instant respect.

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  • Student profile

An internship with a high-profile government agency has helped Bryce Robinson find his career direction.

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  • Student blog

On the days leading up to my exchange, I knew I was meant to feel excited but I was actually 50 per cent freaking out, and 50 per cent sad to leave my friends and family.

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  • Student blog

I had a plan, and I didn’t know how to begin deviating from it.

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  • Student profile

What does it mean to be human? If you're interested in the answer, you'll love the Master of Biological Anthropology.

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  • Career story

For Scott Worboys, starting a full time job after submitting his final assessment piece took just one week.

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  • Career story

If you ever met ANU graduate Sarah Yani Vann-Sander, you might think there is nothing that a science degree cannot allow you to do.   

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