Tabitha Carvan


Tabitha Carvan is the Lead Science Writer for the ANU College of Science. Her stories for Science at ANU have appeared in The Best Australian Science Writing in 2023 and 2022. 


"The scale and pace of urbanisation is simply unprecedented."

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Scientists made headlines around the world earlier this year when they confirmed the existence of gravitational waves.

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For Dr Pierre Portal, the tools of his trade are “a pen, paper and a whiteboard” combined with “a lot of staring out the window.”

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Professor Gordon Lister is a tectonicist and structural geologist. In other words, a rock-whisperer.

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Joe Duggan didn’t just study a Master of Science Communication Outreach, it’s like he actually is the master.

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The Bachelor of Science gives you so many options, you can specialise in what you love.

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