
Research stories

Scientists studying the genes that enable tropical butterflies to mimic each other's colourful warning markings find an egg-production gene, cortex, also controls wing colouring.

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If we can say that most doctors derive satisfaction from successfully treating their patients, Dr Simon Jiang is taking job satisfaction to the next level.

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Researchers at ANU have found a vital supply route that cancer cells use to obtain their nutrients, in a discovery that could lead to new treatments to stop the growth of tumours.

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ANU physicists are among the team that has won the $3 million Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics for the first detection of gravitational waves.

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Researchers have found large old trees need greater long-term protection from the threat climate change and logging if they are to be saved for future generations.

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An international team of scientists has found evidence of a series of massive supernova explosions near our solar system, which showered the Earth with radioactive debris.

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Computer model of neurons firing in a brain

The human brain is by far the most powerful supercomputer on the planet. Understanding how it works will help us fixing it in the event of a neurological disease.

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Ecologists have found that Murray crayfish numbers plunged 90 per cent in a high country river after their habitat was lost.

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