
Research stories

Experimental physicist Dr Bram Slagmolen has created a tool that measures with unimaginable precision

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On James Ross Island, off the northern Antarctic Peninsula, Dr Nerilie Abram from the ANU Research School of Earth Sciences stands in the path of the battering westerly gales, and collects an ice core.

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It was Professor Brian Schmidt who received a Nobel Prize, but it was technology, he says, that facilitated the discovery.

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Any cyclist with a passing familiarity with the science precinct at ANU would know about The Magpies of Linnaeus Way. They are so famous that they even get capital letters, as all celebrities should.

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Scientists at ANU are working with researchers in France to develop a new way to detect and monitor breast cancer with a simple blood test.

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There is a crippling disease slowly spreading through central and east Africa. It's called konzo and it attacks mainly young women and children, quite suddenly, causing irreversible paralysis of the legs.

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What’s an atmospheric scientist you ask? What isn’t an atmospheric scientist is more like it. Meet Dr Margi Bohm. She describes herself as a jack-of-all-trades. That’s the understatement of the century.

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ANU led the Australian contribution to the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory in the observation confirming the existence of gravitational waves.

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Research led by The Australian National University (ANU) could lead to new ways to detect performance-enhancing drugs at the Olympics and other major sport events.

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