Academic profile

Academic profiles

Woman at a desk with robot posters in background

Dr Jürgens has the “beautiful and challenging” task of combining the two very different academic cultures of science and humanities.

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A woman with computer server

Dr Adele Morrison is a globally recognised climate scientist, but she wasn’t always confident she’d find her place in the science community.

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A woman in a green t-shirt in a lab smiling

Dr Debbie Saunders is a nature-lover – and the CEO of a high-tech start-up. “I never imagined that I would be doing what I do,” she says.

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A woman standing among some laboratory equipment

The ANU Research School of Physics is home to the largest and most powerful ion accelerator in Australia, and Professor Mahananda Dasgupta would like its world-class reputation to be better known here at home.

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A man standing next to a blackboard, with maths equations on it

Professor Neeman has solved two open problems in mathematics which have, for the past 20 years, thwarted the efforts of the best algebraists in the world.

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Dr Xia Hua

“I am a good example of how mathematics can be fascinating to anyone once you see how useful it is,” Dr Xia Hua says.

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Five clocks on dark wall.

You might have heard that it’s July now. The year is, apparently, already half over. But how can this be possible? We turn to Dr Peter Riggs for answers.

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We reached out to our science, health and medicine community to find out what helped them survive isolation.

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For Michael Braby, hunting new species of butterflies is physically challenging but ultimately rewarding.

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