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Farm dam

Better dams offer major benefits to farmers and livestock

Managing the water quality of farm dams is critical to the health of livestock as well as boosting crop production, according to new research from the ANU Sustainable Farms group.

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Tuesday, 22 Jun 2021
  • Research story

It is all around us. Every day in our lives we are in contact with it. In fact, we are made from it: ancient stardust.

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Friday, 18 Jun 2021
  • Analysis and opinion

The LIGO gravitational wave observatory in the United States is so sensitive to vibrations it can detect the tiny ripples in space-time called gravitational waves.

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Friday, 18 Jun 2021
  • Research story

Night vision goggles, infrared cameras and other similar devices detect infrared light reflected from objects or rather detect infrared light emitted from objects in the form of heat.

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Close up of possum held in someone's hands.
Thursday, 17 Jun 2021
  • News

When animals are hot, they eat less. This potentially fatal phenomenon has been largely overlooked in wild animals, explain researchers from ANU.

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Portrait head and shoulders photo of Professor Anna Moore with blurry background.
Thursday, 17 Jun 2021
  • News

Australia's spacecraft and satellites will better survive damaging radiation and extreme conditions thanks to $2.5 million in funding for improved space testing facilities at ANU.

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Dr Rocio Camacho Morales in physics lab, photographed leaning over a table with laser optics equipment.
Wednesday, 16 Jun 2021
  • News

Researchers from ANU have developed new technology that allows people to see clearly in the dark, revolutionising night-vision.

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Professor Kurt Lambeck in front of projection showing an image of the Earth from space.
Tuesday, 15 Jun 2021
  • News

A leading ANU researcher who helped make GPS a tool we all use each day has been awarded the top gong in the Order of Australia.

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Building with garden in foreground.
Friday, 11 Jun 2021
  • Analysis and opinion

One cold winter doesn't negate more than a century of global warming. We need the political leadership to set the world on a safer path. Ill-informed tweets by government senators won't help.

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Artist interpretation of laser light sail. Image shows space with lasers from Earth casting a large sail.
Tuesday, 08 Jun 2021
  • News

Scientists from ANU have designed a new type of space-craft propulsion system as part of an ambitious international project that aims to explore the worlds surrounding our second nearest star, Alpha Centauri.

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