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Farm dam

Better dams offer major benefits to farmers and livestock

Managing the water quality of farm dams is critical to the health of livestock as well as boosting crop production, according to new research from the ANU Sustainable Farms group.

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Saturday, 10 Oct 2015
  • Career story

One of the most important things ANU did for my career was to give me space to enjoy and be fascinated by learning.

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Thursday, 08 Oct 2015
  • News

To help scientists better understand processes behind learning and memory, ANU PhD student Jason Whitfield has developed a new tool to track communication between cells within the brain.

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Thursday, 08 Oct 2015

A new study at The Australian National University (ANU) will compare the ability of beginner and experienced drivers to spot obstacles on the road.

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Wednesday, 07 Oct 2015
  • Student blog

At high school you’d be lucky if you were allowed to boil water, but University labs are infinitely more interesting because you get to work with more high-tech equipment.

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Wednesday, 07 Oct 2015
Tuesday, 06 Oct 2015
  • News

ANU will launch its inaugural Day of Giving campaign in support of The National Institute for Mental Health Research (NIMHR) as part of Mental Health Awareness Week.

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