Read the latest opinion articles inspired by science.

Flooded streetscape including a house and street signs

Rising risks of climate disasters mean some communities will need to move – we need a national conversation about relocation now

While the prospect of relocation can be unsettling and traumatic for residents, it offers new opportunities and long-term benefits. But we must act now.

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Dried ground
Wed, 03 Apr 2024

Scientists examined computer simulations of Earth’s climate over the past 1,150 years. They found that given enough time, natural variability in Australian rainfall can produce “mega-droughts” lasting 20 years or more.

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Aerial photo of a saltpan
Thu, 28 Mar 2024

Landsat Nextis the next generation of an Earth observation satellite program from which Australia has benefited for over 40 years. Here's what it means for Australia.

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Stars illustration
Thu, 21 Mar 2024

A new study which surveyed nearby stars, found as many as one in dozen pairs of stars may have devoured a planet, likely because the planet developed a “wobble” in its orbit and fell into the star.

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man in the bush
Tue, 19 Mar 2024

How did Australia’s environment fare against this onslaught of global climate records? In short, 2023 was a year of opposites.

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Woman with binoculars near trees
Mon, 18 Mar 2024

If you see a bird but don’t record it in an app, did it even happen?

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Gum tree
Fri, 15 Mar 2024
Bee on hand
Tue, 27 Feb 2024

We have a small and vanishing window to collect bees before the inevitable rapid spread of the varroa mites, and the mass die-offs, occur.

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A large-eyed mouse on red dirt
Fri, 23 Feb 2024

Australia can lay claim to two new native mammal species, discovered as part of collaborative new research published in the journal Molecular Ecology.

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Fluffy mammal in a tree
Wed, 14 Feb 2024

Ecologists were shocked by a recent announcement by New South Wales environment authorities that they believe loosens protections for southern greater gliders in logging areas.

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