Read the latest opinion articles inspired by science.

Flooded streetscape including a house and street signs

Rising risks of climate disasters mean some communities will need to move – we need a national conversation about relocation now

While the prospect of relocation can be unsettling and traumatic for residents, it offers new opportunities and long-term benefits. But we must act now.

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Australian landscape with gum trees
Wed, 14 Feb 2024

A new project seeks to rewrite this period of history – and others – to honour the voices and experiences of Aboriginal people whose contributions to colonial-era expeditions have long been overlooked.

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A mushroom cloud from a nuclear test
Thu, 08 Feb 2024

New research demonstrates a way to distinguish between underground nuclear tests and natural earthquakes with around 99% accuracy.

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There is no planet B
Mon, 05 Feb 2024

Wanting to do good for the environment can come with a serious emotional burden – two ANU experts share their insights on how to channel climate anxiety into positive change.

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Wheat crop
Tue, 16 Jan 2024

Rising global temperatures are putting pressure on our food supply, but ANU plant scientists are working hard to breed crops that can thrive in the changing climate.

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Dark sky stars
Tue, 09 Jan 2024
Rocket launching at nighttime
Mon, 18 Dec 2023

A new report shows what the Australian public thinks about Australia’s investment and activities in space and the results are eye opening.

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Milky way over a rock landform
Wed, 06 Dec 2023

Science communicators are not evangelists for the science-only worldview of scientism. Many science communicators think very deeply about what values matter to people, and how to reach their audiences.

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Murray River
Tue, 28 Nov 2023

This week, the Senate is debating changes to Australia’s most important water laws. These changes seek to rescue the ailing A$13 billion Murray-Darling Basin Plan to improve the health of our nation’s largest river system.

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Man next to a plant
Thu, 23 Nov 2023

Colombian scientist Professor Luis Miguel Renjifo fills us in on his 40-year-long career in bird conservation.

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