Read the latest opinion articles inspired by science.

Water flowing creek

What exactly are ‘forever chemicals’ – and can we move beyond them?

What types of chemicals are actually considered “forever chemicals”? And how should we deal with the escalating threat they pose?

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Fri, 26 Mar 2021

The NSW floods are a textbook example of the theoretical impacts we can expect on Australian rainfall as climate change continues.

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Campus at dusk, showing buildings, trees and a silver ball sculpture.
Fri, 05 Mar 2021

The unprecedented intensity of two summers of bushfires, first in the east and then in the west, offered harsh lessons for Australians. One is that some settlements must retreat from high-risk areas.

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Aerial view of Kambri showing landscaping, lawns and trees.
Wed, 10 Feb 2021

Cats kill a staggering 1.7 billion native animals each year, and threaten at least 120 species with extinction. Five experts analyse a parliamentary report on the problem.

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University campus at dusk with lights
Mon, 18 Jan 2021

All cultures have communicated their knowledge in diverse and marvellous ways throughout time. Failing to see the significance of this is racist and lazy.

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Side of building at dusk.
Wed, 09 Dec 2020

Scientists hope samples of asteroid Ryugu may reveal traces of the chemical ingredients that formed life on Earth.

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Aerial view of landscaping with amphitheatre.
Tue, 01 Dec 2020

Unlike our hellish neighbour Venus, Earth was far enough from the Sun for liquid water to form and create a more hospitable environment for life.

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Aerial view of Kambri showing creek, buildings and trees.
Tue, 24 Nov 2020

Ancient fatty molecules, once believed to be traces of some of the first animals to live on Earth, may have been produced by algae instead.

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Aerial view of University Avenue showing buildings and trees.
Tue, 10 Nov 2020

Marie Curie overcame innumerable obstacles, and in the process has become a role model. But does the latest film version of her life do her story justice?

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University campus showing building, trees and sculpture of giant silver ball.
Mon, 09 Nov 2020

Science communication succeeds when it takes community knowledge seriously, works with other belief systems, and expects researchers to contribute to society.

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