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Science by the letter: conversations with the next generation of scientists

Climate scientist Dr Georgy Falster is demystifying what it's like to study and work in science, one letter at a time.

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Friday, 07 Nov 2014

A 350-year-old book showcasing the tree-planting techniques in 17th century England has been donated to the ANU Library.

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Wednesday, 05 Nov 2014

ANU has won more than $35 million in prestigious Australian Research Council (ARC) grants for 90 projects, enabling world-class research across the university.

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Monday, 03 Nov 2014

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released its latest synthesis report on climate change, warning that greenhouse gas levels are at their highest in 800,000 years, with recent increases mostly due to burning fossil fuels.

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Sunday, 02 Nov 2014
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First-year undergraduate student, Rosemary Avery, has been awarded the Apiculture Society’s inaugural prize for three assignments she completed showing the importance of research into bees.

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Friday, 31 Oct 2014
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“But who do you think’s right, Prof? The optimists or the pessimists?”

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