Jesse Zondervan

Jesse Zondervan

Dear readers, I’m Jesse Zondervan, a third year Dutch exchange student at ANU. I’m now retelling my stories from past year, hoping to illustrate real examples of life and study as a science student at ANU.

My Geology degree at Imperial College London and my year at ANU have benefited my understanding of Geology, but also more generally student life, travel and Australian and European cultures.

I hope you’ll find the stories entertaining, inspiring or useful.


Where other people see rocks and cliffs, our geologist student blogger Jesse Zondervan sees another world. Join him as he visits Jervis Bay.

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I’m quite surprised to find an ice rink in Australia. Apparently it’s open the whole year round too, something that doesn’t even happen in the Dutch summer. I’m driving there in the BMW of one of my professors.

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