Student story

Student stories

Man in front a green garden
  • Student profile

“I see maths as more of an art than a science,” Grover Lancaster-Cole says.

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Heidi Parkes
  • Student blog

Heidi Parkes completed a Master of Science Communication. During her studies she participated in a pilot mentor program for her master’s research course.

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Isha Singhal
  • Student blog

When I enrolled in my science degree at ANU, I was sure I wanted to focus just on chemistry. Then, when it came time to choose my courses, I scrolled through my options and saw there was so much more to science than I ever realised.

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iGEM jamboree
  • Student blog

ANU Students attended the 20th iGEM Grand Jamboree in Paris and entered a team into the iGEM global synthetic biology competition to present their research and hear from leaders in the field.

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Woman on a rock
  • Career story

“It is a strange thing being so intimately part of something but also not understanding what will happen, and the secrecies involved in it,” says ANU alumna and Alone Australia contestant Kate Grarock.

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Mallika Sinha is standing in front of a neon red sign that reads: physics. She is looking off into the distance.
  • Student profile

Like many of us Mallika Sinha wanted to become an astronaut when she grew up. Then, she realised there was something even more exciting: astrophysics.

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A man in a brightly coloured shirt sitting on a couch
  • Student blog

"I really wasn’t sure how my identity or my acceptance of myself would change when I moved to Canberra," says Isaac. "But the more time I spent listening to queer stories, the more I have felt comfortable in my own skin."

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Headshot of a woman in a lab
  • Student profile

The search for dark matter seems an impossible challenge, but that’s nothing new to Victoria Uttaree Bashu; becoming a physicist seemed an impossible dream for her.

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Man in lab
  • Student profile

From exploring the mysteries of dark matter, to planting the seeds of human life away from Earth, Lachlan McKie is using nuclear science to solve some of our most complex questions.

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