
Research stories

A new study led by The Australian National University (ANU) has found that animals and plants may live in warm caves under Antarctica’s glaciers.

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Despite being the most abundant protein in the world, we are still getting to the roots of how Rubisco, the protein at the heart of photosynthesis, works.

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Scientists from ANU have helped to solve the mystery of what causes exploding stars, which are used to measure the accelerating expansion of the Universe.

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Research led by ANU has solved the mystery of how the first animals appeared on Earth, a pivotal moment for the planet without which humans would not exist.

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A new study from ANU on a 400 million year old fish fossil has found a jaw structure that is part of the evolutionary lineage linked to humans.

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Read about the Warramunga Seismic and Infrasound Research Station of the ANU Research School of Earth Sciences.

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It takes a couple of minutes to get from Mars to Earth. Assuming you stick to the speed limit.

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In the ANU Fenner School, where economists work alongside ecologists, and hydrologists alongside historians, researchers transform fieldwork into policy.

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A new study led by ANU has found that plants are able to forget stressful weather events to rapidly recover.

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