Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility
The HIAF comprises one of the world’s largest 14UD pelletron accelerators and a superconducting “booster” linear accelerator (LINAC) housed and operated by ANU.
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The Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility (HIAF) comprises the 14UD pelletron accelerator and a superconducting 'booster' linear accelerator. Tha Facility is housed and operated by the Department of Nuclear Physics in the Research School of Physics at The Australian National University. The HIAF supports Australia's only experimental nuclear physics program, a major accelerator mass spectrometry program and facilities for ion-beam modification and analysis of materials.
The HIAF accelerators provide important infrastructure for the Australian research community, with applications that range from creating and characterising new and innovative materials, resource/energy exploration and waste management, research in environmental, biological and life sciences and investigating climate change, to archaeological and heritage studies, and critical investigations into nuclear science, including fundamental quantum science through systematic inquiry into nuclear behaviour and properties following collisions between atomic nuclei. Watch this video to see inside the Facility.
For more information visit the Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility website..