Read the latest opinion articles inspired by science.

Flooded streetscape including a house and street signs

Rising risks of climate disasters mean some communities will need to move – we need a national conversation about relocation now

While the prospect of relocation can be unsettling and traumatic for residents, it offers new opportunities and long-term benefits. But we must act now.

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Koala clings to tree
Mon, 05 Jun 2023

Now begins a long and difficult process to recover vast areas of forest after more than 50 years of clearfelling and other destructive logging practices. It’s a huge job, but it can be done. Here's an outline of what’s needed.

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Boardwalk in grass
Thu, 01 Jun 2023

This is the first time an assessment of boundaries has quantified the harms to people from changes to the Earth system.

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Bees in a hive
Wed, 24 May 2023

While Australia is the last continent to be invaded by the vorroa mite, it has an opportunity to be the first to eradicate it.

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Two people looking in coral reef tank
Wed, 24 May 2023

ANU is home to a surprising slice of tropical marine life.

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Satellite over Earth
Wed, 17 May 2023

How do we find enough people with the skills necessary to grow the space technology sector?

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Black, green and blue butterfly
Tue, 16 May 2023

Until recently we had very little idea when butterflies evolved, and hypotheses concerning their place of origin were largely educated guesses.

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A smiling woman leaning against a glass staircase
Mon, 15 May 2023

Growing up queer in Townsville, Emily Standen knows about the importance of role models: "I don't think that I really thought queer people could be scientists. So from my own experience, I know that it's hard to be what you can't see. You can definitely do it - someone has to be the first - but it's not an easy thing to do.”

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Galaxy clusters
Fri, 12 May 2023

We have successfully used a new technique – involving light from an exploding star that arrived at Earth via multiple winding routes through the expanding Universe – to measure how fast the Universe is expanding.

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Lego Storm Trooper
Thu, 04 May 2023

On Star Wars Day we take a look at some of the things that keep us coming back to one of the most famous science fiction epics of all time.

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