Read the latest opinion articles inspired by science.

Water flowing creek

What exactly are ‘forever chemicals’ – and can we move beyond them?

What types of chemicals are actually considered “forever chemicals”? And how should we deal with the escalating threat they pose?

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Square brick building behind a garden
Fri, 17 Sep 2021

Many native species can all be found in vegetation along fences and roadsides outside formal conservation areas. And yet, the NSW government last week made it legal for rural landholders to clear vegetation on their properties, up to 25 metres from their property boundaries, without approval.

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University avenue through Kambri precinct with buildings and trees.
Thu, 16 Sep 2021

The Australian government has just declared an historic defence agreement with the United States and United Kingdom that will see a new fleet of nuclear-powered submarines patrol our shores and surrounding waters.

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Building with trees in foreground.
Fri, 10 Sep 2021

How do we advance Australia’s economic future outside high-emissions industries? And how can we seize the opportunities presented by the declines of coal, and then gas, rather than watching the economy go underwater as we try to stem an unstoppable tide?

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Building with garden in foreground.
Fri, 03 Sep 2021

As deadwood decomposes it contributes to the ecosystem’s cycle of nutrients, which is important for plant growth. It also releases carbon: what are the implications for climate change?

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Kambri university precinct at night with lights.
Fri, 27 Aug 2021

A whopping 191 different bat species live in the Pacific Islands across Micronesia, Melanesia, and Polynesia — but these are, collectively, the most imperilled in the world. In fact, five of the nine bat species that have gone extinct in the last 160 years have come from this region.

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Building on campus with trees.
Tue, 24 Aug 2021

Business and governments across the world are embedding carbon abatement considerations into their trade negotiations and relationships. As an industry dependent on exporting, Australian agriculture must be ready to adjust to a more carbon-conscious trading future.

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Milky Way over Siding Spring
Wed, 18 Aug 2021

From movie suggestions to self-driving vehicles, machine learning has revolutionised modern life. Experts are now using it to help solve one of humanity’s biggest problems: climate change.

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Building facade.
Tue, 10 Aug 2021

Earth has warmed 1.09℃ since pre-industrial times and many changes such as sea-level rise and glacier melt are now virtually irreversible, according to the most sobering report yet by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

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Aerial view of ANU campus, showing buildings, ovals and Black Mountain.
Tue, 10 Aug 2021

Australia is experiencing widespread, rapid climate change not seen for thousands of years and may warm by 4℃ or more this century, according to a highly anticipated report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

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