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The unexpected poetry of PhD acknowledgements

The unexpected poetry of PhD acknowledgements

After reading hundreds and hundreds of PhD theses, we accidentally discovered how to write the perfect PhD acknowledgement: it's a kind of poetry.

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Glider poking head from tree hollow
Wednesday, 16 Nov 2022
Jack Simpson
Monday, 14 Nov 2022
  • Career story

Jack Simpson tracked the movements of honeybees for his PhD, now he’s a director of an energy economics company.

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Red full moon
Friday, 04 Nov 2022
  • News

Tuesday will be your last chance to catch a glimpse of a blood moon, which is more commonly known as a total lunar eclipse, until 2025.

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Burnt landscape
Tuesday, 01 Nov 2022
  • Analysis and opinion

Our new research demonstrates how the scale of the 2019/2020 bushfire disaster blew out due to legislation introduced in the 1970s, which was based on idea that nature should be left to grow freely without human intervention.

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Person holding clipboard ourdoors
Tuesday, 01 Nov 2022
  • News

A bird protection tool designed by ANU researchers has taken out one of the nation's top sustainability prizes, a NSW Banksia Award.

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Illustration of a planet bisected showing the bright core
Friday, 28 Oct 2022
  • News

Seismologists from ANU have developed a new method to scan the deep interior of planets in our solar system to confirm whether they have a core at the heart of their existence.  

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River landscape
Friday, 28 Oct 2022
  • Analysis and opinion

In our land of drought and flooding rains, better water management should feature in every federal budget. Thankfully, the budget handed down by Treasurer Jim Chalmers on Tuesday delivers it.

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Woman smiling in headshot
Wednesday, 26 Oct 2022
  • News

One of the world's leading physicists who is helping unlock the Universe's most complex mysteries is the first Australian to win the prestigious Blaise Pascal Medal in recognition of her incredible research and leadership in science.

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Person barbecuing
Monday, 24 Oct 2022
  • Analysis and opinion

The atmospheric concentrations of methane are now almost triple pre-industrial levels, and rising swiftly. Cutting it back would significantly help limit climate change.

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