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Islands are engines of linguistic diversity, study shows

Islands drive language change and generate language diversity in similar ways to how they drive species diversity, according to new research from ANU that analysed languages from over 13,000 inhabited islands.

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Friday, 12 Aug 2016
  • Career story

From some, an international environmental negotiation might seem like an incomprehensible acronym, but for Dr Luke Kemp, it’s as gripping as Game of Thrones.

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Friday, 12 Aug 2016
  • News

Scientists have developed a new material based on graphene that could drive a revolution in medical implants and lightweight heat-resistant materials for car and aircraft engines.

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Friday, 12 Aug 2016
  • Student profile

How can Ruby Dixon, who hasn’t even graduated yet, already call herself an experienced research scientist? Because as part of her PhB program.

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Friday, 12 Aug 2016
  • Research story

Dr Graham Walker has just returned from 11 weeks in Africa, where his Science Circus Africa education outreach program was seen by a staggering 41,000 people across five countries.

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Friday, 12 Aug 2016
  • News

Australians think the fairest way to judge the Olympic medal tally is by medals per capita while Americans think it should be judged on total medals.

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Wednesday, 10 Aug 2016
  • News

New research into the winter migration of Tasmania's swift parrots has found the population migrates up to 1,000 kilometres further north from their central Victorian habitats during drought years to concentrate on the coast of New South Wales.

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Wednesday, 10 Aug 2016
  • News

Health researchers predict that the transmission of dengue could decrease in a future warmer climate, countering previous projections that climate change would cause the potentially lethal virus to spread more easily.

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Wednesday, 10 Aug 2016
  • Research story

ANU chemistry researchers have been awarded for their work on an important milk protein, which is leading to a better understanding of the biochemical processes underlying diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

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Tuesday, 09 Aug 2016
  • News

Open any office door at ANU, and you never know quite what you’ll find inside.

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