ANU scientists win early-career awards

Publication date
Friday, 17 Nov 2017

Two ANU scientists have been recognised as future research superstars with early-career awards from the Australian Academy of Science.

Dr Ceridwen Fraser from the ANU Fenner School of Environment and Society and Dr Rhodri Davies from the ANU Research School of Earth Sciences won this year's Fenner Medal and Anton Hales Medal, respectively.

Dr Fraser's research has informed our understanding of past climate change in Antarctica, in particular, and associated impacts on life there.

Dr Davies studies how tectonic plate movements and volcanoes have shaped the world today.

The awards honour Professor Frank Fenner and Professor Anton Hales, both of whom had long and successful research careers at ANU.

Professor Fenner had a distinguished career in the field of virology and his research led to the eradication of smallpox, an infectious disease that caused up to 500 million deaths in the 20th century.

Professor Hales, who was the foundation Director of the ANU Research School of Earth Sciences, used physics and mathematics to understand the structure and workings of the Earth

Acting ANU Vice-Chancellor Professor Margaret Harding welcomed the announcement of the awards for Dr Fraser and Dr Davies.

"To receive these awards is a great achievement, and I congratulate Ceridwen and Rhodri on the wonderful research they are doing," Professor Harding said.

Dr Fraser and Dr Davies will be presented with their awards at the Academy's 'Science at the Shine Dome' event on 24 May 2018.

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