Find out about the latest news, announcements and stories about science at ANU.


Islands are engines of linguistic diversity, study shows

Islands drive language change and generate language diversity in similar ways to how they drive species diversity, according to new research from ANU that analysed languages from over 13,000 inhabited islands.

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Wednesday, 08 Mar 2017
  • Research story

Physicists have designed a handheld devicethat will use the power of MRI and mass spectrometry to perform a chemical analysis of objects.

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Thursday, 02 Mar 2017
  • News

Plain tobacco packaging in Australia reduced smoking and increased smoker attempts to quit the habit

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Thursday, 02 Mar 2017
  • News

Researchers at ANU have found that far-away planet systems are shaped like the Solar System

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Wednesday, 01 Mar 2017
  • News

A new study led by The Australian National University (ANU) has found seawater cycles throughout the Earth's interior down to 2,900km

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Monday, 27 Feb 2017
  • Student blog

I never thought I’d be setting my hands on fire for a university degree.

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Thursday, 16 Feb 2017
  • News

Research led by ANU on the use of magnets to steer light has opened the door to new communications systems

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Thursday, 16 Feb 2017
  • Student blog

Having just submitted my PhD thesis, I have arrived at a point of major change in my life as I prepare to embark on my first professional position.

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Thursday, 16 Feb 2017
  • News

ANU researchers have won a $1.5 million Innovation Award grant for type 1 diabetes research.

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Wednesday, 15 Feb 2017
  • News

Create your own short film about science. Entries are now open for year 7 to 10 students.

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