Find out about the latest news, announcements and stories about science at ANU.

Farm dam

Better dams offer major benefits to farmers and livestock

Managing the water quality of farm dams is critical to the health of livestock as well as boosting crop production, according to new research from the ANU Sustainable Farms group.

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Tuesday, 18 Jul 2017
  • News

A senior scientist from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change will discuss the latest insights on human-caused climate change at an event at ANU.

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Tuesday, 18 Jul 2017
  • Academic profile

“It’s absolutely shocking to dive on a reef that you know well, and see it turn white in the space of a week.It’s the scariest thing I’ve ever seen in my life."

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Monday, 17 Jul 2017
  • Career story

Who ‘does’ science? That’s the question ANU alumna Sian Keys is posing, in an effort to prove ability is no barrier when it comes to science.

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Friday, 14 Jul 2017
  • Research story

This is not the easiest work to explain to your family: you spend your days watching beetle sex tapes.

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Tuesday, 11 Jul 2017
  • News

Australia has signed an agreement with the European Southern Observatory (ESO) to give Australian astronomers access to ESO telescopes in Chile.

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Minette Salmon
Tuesday, 11 Jul 2017
  • Student profile

It was while looking down a microscope that Minette Salmon made a huge breakthrough.

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Tuesday, 04 Jul 2017
  • Research story

Scientists at ANU have designed a new nano material, opening the door to technology that protects astronauts in space from harmful radiation.

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Monday, 03 Jul 2017
  • Student blog

I know a guy who is really good at his job. His job—or maybe it’s more like his life’s mission—is to never pay for food.

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Monday, 03 Jul 2017
  • Student blog

When I was growing up, it was difficult for me to choose a study path that wasn’t defined by my parents.

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