How to student: libraries

Publication date
Friday, 11 Sep 2015

The ANU has several libraries, but my favourite would have to be the Hancock Library. It specialises in materials related to science, medicine and technology, so pretty much everything that is required by science students.

Right in the middle of the library there are several floors devoted to science books and journals, as well as copies of the textbooks that the more popular science courses use. The textbooks in particular come in handy when you have assigned reading for a course. 

At the back of Hancock are a number of workrooms with tables, chairs and whiteboards. These are the rooms where Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) sessions are held. PAL sessions are basically free tutorials that are run especially for first year students. In these sessions they go over the content that is covered in lectures and help you with assignments.  

These rooms are also available for students if they want to work on group assignments and suchlike. All they ask is that you book a room in advance and don’t bring food or drink into them (I brought a quarter of a watermelon into a study room once but that was before I knew about the rule so shh). Even if you forget to book a room the library has designated “social” spaces where moderate conversation is allowed for group work.

However my favourite part of Hancock is the desks and tables they set up near the front of the library, where you can sit and work on assignments in peace. The reason why I like this area so much is because I find it hard to concentrate on coursework in my own room where there is lots of distractions, college life not the least among them.

But when I go to the library I’m in an environment that allows me to get my work done. So when I do return to the dorms I can join in the revelries and shenanigans without any regrets.  

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