Progress towards gender equality and diversity: 2023 report

Publication date
Wednesday, 29 Nov 2023

In 2022, the College of Science put in place a set of Equitable Hiring Practices for a Diverse Workforce guidelines. These guidelines include a yearly reporting mechanism. The attached spreadsheet is the first part of our 2023 reporting. It gives gender information on the composition of the workforce in each of the CoS Schools. 

Noticeable progress has been made in terms of the percentages of women identifying staff. For the College as a whole, these numbers have increased from 36% to 38% (134 out of 352) for early career academics (levels A,B,C), and from 22.6% to 23.7% (42 out of 177) for senior academics (levels D,E). This takes us one step closer to our goal of reaching 40-60% of staff identifying as women in each staffing category by 2030. 

More detailed reports (going beyond quantitative gender data) are also available here.