MAE field placements

Field placements

MAE scholars receive on the job training in a field placement, typically a government health department or a research institute.

The MAE is an on the job training program. Therefore scholars spend the majority of their time (approximately 20 months of the 22-month degree) in their field placement and the majority of their learning occurs there. People interested in the MAE do not need to organise a field placement.

Applicants are matched with field placements through the MAE application process which usually opens around July each year.

Each year a number of organisations, primarily health departments and research institutes offer to host an MAE scholar. This commitment includes:

  • Funding the MAE scholar via scholarship
  • Releasing the scholar to attend coursework intensives at ANU (including covering accommodation and transport costs)
  • Providing a qualified field supervisor
  • Ensuring the student is able to meet the competencies required by the degree

There are generally between 15-18 field placements per year that offer to host an MAE scholar.

Occasionally a field placement will sponsor an internal candidate (usually an existing staff member) through the MAE Program. This needs to be discussed with and approved by the MAE Director.

Current field placements

Field placements change each year depending on the capacity of field placements organisations to host scholars.

2024 Field Placements

  • The State of Western Australia acting through the Department of Health
  • Health Administration Corporation for and on behalf of NSW Ministry of Health
  • Western Australia Country Health Service
  • The State of Queensland acting through Queensland Health
  • Department of Health Tasmania, Public Health Services
  • National Centre for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Wellbeing Research, The Australian National University
  • South Eastern Public Health Unit, Monash Health
  • The University of Queensland
  • Commonwealth of Australia, as represented by the Department of Health and Aged Care
  • ACT Health
  • Metro North Public Health Unit, Queensland Health
  • National Centre for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Wellbeing Research
  • Northern Territory Department of Health/Centre for Disease and Control
  • North Metropolitan Health Service, Public Health
  • The Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network ( Randwick and Westmead)  Incorporating the Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children)

2023 field placements