Doctor of Medicine and Surgery (Indigenous)

Key dates

Early MarchDirect applications open
1 MayGEMAS applications open
30 MayGEMAS applications close
30 JuneDirect application close
Late JulyIndigenous Interviews
AugustIndigenous offers released

These dates are subject to change. Email for confirmation. 

Understand the entry requirements

The Doctor of Medicine and Surgery program has identified places available each year to applicants of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander background. We encourage applicants of this background interested in pursuing a career in medicine to apply.  

Check admissions requirements on the Programs and Courses website and read the admissions guidelines. 

If you are unsure about your eligibility, please contact  

Submit an application

Applicants are welcome to submit their application either directly to the ANU via Study Link or via the Graduate Entry Medical School Admissions System (GEMSAS)

Please note the respective application opening and closing dates in the key dates section above.  

Provide supporting documentation

As part of your application the following supporting documentation is required: 

  • Official academic transcript/s from all tertiary level study (complete and incomplete)* 

*All tertiary level study must be declared in the application. For the purpose of University admissions, the withholding of information and the submission of incorrect or misleading information are deemed fraudulent. Action taken in such cases may include cancellation of an application for admissions, withdrawal of an offer of admissions, or cancellation of an enrolment. 

Rural background 

Please check if you meet the requirements to be included as part of our Rural background quota. Please read the 

 and provide the required documented evidence in your online application. 

Attend an interview

Selection for interview will take into consideration an applicant’s GPA and GAMSAT score 

Receive an offer

Selection for offers will take into consideration an applicant’s interview performance, their GPA and GAMSAT score. 

Successful applicants will be offered a Commonwealth Support Place (CSP) 

All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students who are admitted into the program are automatically considered for a scholarship. 

Accept your offer

Once you receive an offer, please follow the instructions in the letter to accept your place at ANU. 

Get screened and vaccinated

All commencing MChD students are required to meet the mandatory screening and vaccination requirements for the ANU, ACT Health and NSW Health.

If you're offered a place in the MChD program, you will receive the Screening and Vaccination Information Booklet with your offer letter. You must complete and provide evidence for all requirements in the booklet by the time you enrol. Some of the primary requirements include: