
Research stories

Dr Graham Walker has just returned from 11 weeks in Africa, where his Science Circus Africa education outreach program was seen by a staggering 41,000 people across five countries.

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"The scale and pace of urbanisation is simply unprecedented."

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ANU chemistry researchers have been awarded for their work on an important milk protein, which is leading to a better understanding of the biochemical processes underlying diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

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International research led by The Australian National University (ANU) has found how plants, such as rice and wheat, sense and respond to extreme drought stress, in a breakthrough that could lead to the development of next-generation drought-proof crops.

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Professor Michelle Coote wants to know how you like your polymers. If you could have a synthetic material with any properties you like, what would they be?

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A bright energy future in Australia depends on greater policy agreement between all political parties, Ken Baldwin writes.

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Scientists made headlines around the world earlier this year when they confirmed the existence of gravitational waves.

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Researchers from around Australia testing satellites at the ANU Mount Stromlo ahead of a mass satellite launch from the International Space Station later this year.

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The Universe is expanding faster than expected, a study involving ANU has found.

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