Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
NMR has applications in all fields of the experimental sciences. It is the single most powerful technique available to chemists for studying the composition, structure and function of molecules.
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Nuclear Magnetic Resonance has applications in all fields of the experimental sciences. It is the single most powerful technique available to chemists for studying the composition, structure and function of molecules. It is an important supplementary technique for many of the natural and life sciences including biological chemistry, macromolecular and surface science, medicine and physics.
The NMR Centre at ANU is one of the most advanced in Australia, boasting equipment worth over eight million dollars and catering for over 100 staff and students in six Schools and Faculties. ANU was a joint recipient of an Australian Research Council grant for the purchase of an 800 MHz NMR spectrometer and a cryoprobe. The Centre now has one of the most sophisticated NMR spectrometers in Australia. This complements six other spectrometers operating at field strengths between 4.7 and 14.1 Tesla.
For more information visit the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance page on the Research School of Chemistry website.
Building 138 Linnaeus Way
Acton, ACT 2601