Catch up with the latest videos from Science at ANU.

ANU researchers are working to develop a satellite that can help predict where a bushfire will burn.

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ANU is home to the largest and most powerful ion accelerator in Australia, and Professor Mahananda Dasgupta would like its world-class reputation to be better known here at home.

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As fires swept through Namadgi National Park in 2020, Associate Professor Marta Yebra assisted fire managers to predict the fires’ movement.

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After a year marked by unexpected challenges we asked Professor Nicotra what she learned from 2020.

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When environmental scientist, Professor Saul Cunningham steps away from his computer and into the landscape of the NSW South Coast, he’s reminded of how important his work is.

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Researchers have found a way to help one of Australia’s rarest birds – the forty-spotted pardalote - ‘self-fumigate’ their nests, to protect their young from deadly parasites.

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The ANU Research School of Physics is home to the largest and most powerful ion accelerator in Australia, and Professor Mahananda Dasgupta would like its world-class reputation to be better known here at home.

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Any cyclist with a passing familiarity with the science precinct at ANU would know about The Magpies of Linnaeus Way. They are so famous that they even get capital letters, as all celebrities should.

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Read about the Warramunga Seismic and Infrasound Research Station of the ANU Research School of Earth Sciences.

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