Talking mental health with Joan Leach


Professor Joan Leach from the Australian National Centre for Public Awareness of Science, discusses strategies she uses to nurture her mental health and wellbeing.

Talking about how you manage your own mental health and wellbeing can feel daunting, and it’s something we all put on the backburner. But instead of shying away from these conversations, staff at the ANU College of Science are sharing what methods work for them.

Professor Joan Leach discusses ways she supports her mental health. Joan discusses some of the struggles she has had around paying attention to her mental health whilst being an academic.

One thing that assists Joan is to step outside of her academic life by cooking, particularly baking, and by using things like Headspace. This helps Joan switch off and to remove herself from some of the things that have a negative affect on her Mental Health.

Here is some information on the benefits cooking can have on mental health, it has been linked back to mindfulness: