Behind the chemistry of Australia's first fixed-site pill testing service


Head behind the scenes of the CanTEST Health and Drug Checking service with ANU chemist Professor Malcolm McLeod.
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Drug checking or pill testing aims to reduce the potential harms of drug use by providing accurate and timely information on what substances contain to the people who intend to use them. It is also an effective way to monitor the drug market. 

The CanTEST Health and Drug Checking Service is Australia’s first fixed-site service and provides free, confidential health and harm reduction information direct to the public. Operated by Directions Health Services in collaboration with Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy, Pill Testing Australia, and funding from ACT Health, CanTEST is receives technical support from researchers at the Research School of Chemistry, ANU.  

Learn more about the CanTEST at the CAHMA website.