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Doughnut-shaped region found inside Earth’s core deepens understanding of planet’s magnetic field

A doughnut-shaped region thousands of kilometres beneath our feet within Earth’s liquid core has been discovered by ANU scientists, providing new clues about the dynamics of our planet’s magnetic field.

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Building with garden in foreground.
Monday, 06 Apr 2020
  • Analysis and opinion

ANU fire and vegetation experts provide tips on maintaining a garden, while keeping your home safer from bushfires.

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We should listen to coronavirus experts, but local wisdom counts too
Friday, 03 Apr 2020
  • Analysis and opinion

Alongside traditional kinds of expertise, “real time” expertise and leadership at the local scale will be invaluable in coming weeks and months.

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Charred landscape by James Walsh
Friday, 03 Apr 2020
  • Research story

Immediate action is needed to put Australia’s environment on a course to recovery.

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Tuesday, 31 Mar 2020
  • News

New Holland honeyeaters are experts at sounding the alarm when there’s danger.

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Fire in south Canberra
Monday, 30 Mar 2020
  • News

Record hot weather, drought and a devastating bushfire season in 2019 damaged our environment and natural resources on an unprecedented scale.

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Friday, 27 Mar 2020
  • News

To relieve financial pressures and stress to students caused by COVID-19, Vice Chancellor Professor Brian Schmidt has announced additional support measures.

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ANU Campus.
Wednesday, 25 Mar 2020
  • News

Vice-Chancellor Professor Brian Schmidt today announced The Australian National University (ANU) will move to remote work and study from tomorrow.

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Scientist in the lab.
Tuesday, 24 Mar 2020
  • Analysis and opinion

Society is relying on its universities and medical research institutes to develop vaccines, tests and public health measures to combat COVID-19.

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Matthew Spence and Vanessa Vongsouthi stand behind a sheet of PET plastic film, the breakdown target of their PETase enzyme.
Saturday, 21 Mar 2020
  • Student profile

Two PhD students are harnessing the power of an enzyme to break down plastic.

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