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Science by the letter: conversations with the next generation of scientists

Climate scientist Dr Georgy Falster is demystifying what it's like to study and work in science, one letter at a time.

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Saturday, 21 Dec 2013
  • Academic profile

Dr Mitzy Pepper, an evolutionary biologist with a background in geology, looks at how historical and environmental factors shape the way plants and animals evolve.

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Saturday, 23 Nov 2013
  • Student profile

Nic came from Moruya to study earth science at ANU, his first step towards his dream career working for NASA.

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Wednesday, 20 Nov 2013
  • Research story

Mathematicians are heading online to brainstorm some ancient problems

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Wednesday, 20 Nov 2013
  • Research story

Is economic health receiving more attention than public health?

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Wednesday, 20 Nov 2013
  • Student profile

Hi, my name is Rebecca and I am a second year student. I study astronomy, physics and mathematics, and particularly enjoy carrying out research projects.

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Wednesday, 20 Nov 2013
Thursday, 10 Oct 2013
  • Career story

Christoph brewed up an unusual career.

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Portrait of David Keiner, biotechnology student
Tuesday, 10 Sep 2013
  • Student profile

The emblematic eucalyptus is grown in enormous quantities overseas, meaning Australia can no longer claim the title of the biggest eucalyptus oil producer.

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Friday, 09 Aug 2013
  • Academic profile

In the front room of his coastal house in Eden, Dr Keith Crook sits among piles of identical and meticulously labelled field diaries.

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