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Doughnut-shaped region found inside Earth’s core deepens understanding of planet’s magnetic field

A doughnut-shaped region thousands of kilometres beneath our feet within Earth’s liquid core has been discovered by ANU scientists, providing new clues about the dynamics of our planet’s magnetic field.

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Friday, 07 Oct 2016
  • News

Professor Ken Baldwin, has called for a big-picture approach to the COAG Energy Ministers meeting tomorrow which will consider the national implications of the recent electricity events in South Australia.

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Friday, 07 Oct 2016
  • Research story

Any cyclist with a passing familiarity with the science precinct at ANU would know about The Magpies of Linnaeus Way. They are so famous that they even get capital letters, as all celebrities should.

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Thursday, 06 Oct 2016
  • News

ANU Medical School alumna, Dr Nicole Rodrigues, has become the first ACT recipient of the Gordon Gordon-Taylor Prize, awarded for the highest mark in a surgical entrance examination.

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Wednesday, 05 Oct 2016

ANU Emeritus Professor Barry Ninham AO FAA has been awarded the Matthew Flinders Medal by the Australian Academy of Science for his work in the physical sciences, including technological innovations for the developing world.

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Wednesday, 05 Oct 2016
  • Student blog

University life is hectic, so finding a balance is essential. Extracurricular activities can help allowing you to develop different skills to put on your resume and meet fantastic people.

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Friday, 30 Sep 2016
  • News

Three-dimensional prints of a 400 million year old fish fossil from around Lake Burrinjuck in southeast Australia reveal the possible evolutionary origins of human teeth, according to new research by The ANU and QLD Museum.

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Friday, 30 Sep 2016
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ANU Future Fellow Dr Nicholas Cox has been awarded the Robin Hill Award from the International Society of Photosynthetic Research.

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Thursday, 29 Sep 2016
  • Research story

Scientists at ANU are working with researchers in France to develop a new way to detect and monitor breast cancer with a simple blood test.

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Thursday, 29 Sep 2016
  • News

Human-caused climate change is robbing crucial rain from southern parts of Australia by shifting Southern Ocean westerly winds towards Antarctica, according to a new study.

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