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Islands are engines of linguistic diversity, study shows

Islands drive language change and generate language diversity in similar ways to how they drive species diversity, according to new research from ANU that analysed languages from over 13,000 inhabited islands.

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Sunday, 30 Oct 2016
  • News

ANU researchers are looking for participants to take part in an online program designed to help young people improve their body image.

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Friday, 28 Oct 2016
  • Student profile

"I had been focusing on battery storage in my studies, and I really believe that without undertaking this as part of my Masters, I wouldn’t have the knowledge to do the role." 

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Friday, 28 Oct 2016
  • Research story

Five per cent of the Australian population suffer from autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and lupus

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Friday, 28 Oct 2016
  • Research story

On James Ross Island, off the northern Antarctic Peninsula, Dr Nerilie Abram from the ANU Research School of Earth Sciences stands in the path of the battering westerly gales, and collects an ice core.

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Friday, 28 Oct 2016
  • Career story

ANU has an amazing academic atmosphere and advanced scientific instruments

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Friday, 28 Oct 2016
  • Student profile

Rebecca Davies is a Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) student at the ANU Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics.

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Friday, 28 Oct 2016
  • Research story

Experimental physicist Dr Bram Slagmolen has created a tool that measures with unimaginable precision

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Friday, 28 Oct 2016
  • Research story

It took a mathematician to find an answer to how life on Earth actually began, and to discover the answer in the most surprising place: the hairdresser’s.

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Friday, 28 Oct 2016
  • Student profile

I have a bachelor degree in science education and have experience teaching science but I didn’t like the way I communicated with the students. It seemed quite boring.

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