Slithering between science and art

Publication date
Saturday, 27 Feb 2016

A fellowship program at ANU has brought researchers together from diverse fields to collaborate and learn from each other. Under the Vice Chancellor's College Visiting Artist Fellows Scheme, artist Steven Holland spent one year working in the Research School of Biology with Professor Scott Keogh, a herpetologist. The collaboration has produced a aluminium crown in the shape of a eastern brown snake. Created by Holland, the crown was designed to fit one of the founding fathers of the Australian Society of Herpetologists, Dr Murray Littlejohn. 

The ANU School of Art was a fitting location for the crown’s construction. It was here that that Australian Society of Herpetologists first convened in 1964, when the building was the the Canberra High School. 

In this video Steven Holland and Professor Scott Keogh discuss the fellowship and the crown’s creation.  


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