Physics Professor honoured with Government OLT Award

Publication date
Thursday, 10 Dec 2015

Professor Joe Hope, who teaches quantum science at ANU, has been named among Australia's best teachers with Awards for Teaching Excellence from the Australian Government's Office of Learning and Teaching (OLT).

The OLT Awards for Teaching Excellence recognise significant contributions to the quality of student learning.

Professor Hope has taught more than a dozen courses in physics, spanning from introductory first year courses to specialised, research-aligned courses for undergraduate and masters students.

Recently he ceased lecturing in his courses, replacing lectures with best-practice online materials. This has allowed him to restructure face-to-face time into workshops that help students master key skills, and bridge the gap between learning content and applying it in context. 

Minister for Education and Training Senator Simon Birmingham praised the outstanding efforts of the all teachers receiving awards.

"All award winners, individuals and teams play a vital role in building Australia's future through their life-changing impact on the students they teach and inspire through their commitment to excellence and innovation," Minister Birmingham said.

"They show us just how well we can embrace change and disruption by being innovative, imaginative and bold enough to take on the challenges that face us."

View the full list of award recipients.

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