Being a peer mentor at ANU Thrive

Publication date
Thursday, 5 Nov 2020

It's important to look after your mental health and wellbeing during this pandemic period. I myself have been struggling with my own wellbeing as a lot of things that I usually do are paused or changed due to COVID-19. My work, hobbies and studies are all impacted by the current social distancing and restrictions measures.

My name is Tamara and I am a 3rd-year student studying chemistry and science communication. I am also one of the peer mentors at ANU Thrive. I am very fortunate to work in a department that promotes wellbeing within the ANU community. Having supportive colleagues and a nurturing work environment is very valuable to me, particularly in challenging times like this.

My main role within the team is to take care of ANU Thrive’s social media and promotional channels. I have been involved in various campaigns covering different aspects of mental health and wellbeing including University Mental Health Day, creating resources to assist students manage stress during exam times, promoting Orientation Week events and many more. It is important that resources are available and accessible to all students, ensuring that they are able to seek and receive emotional and mental support that they may need.

Health promotion is often underestimated. I hope to be able to continue to work in this area – to be able to promote better understanding and awareness surrounding this topic. If I am able to help at least one person overcome their challenges with their own mental health and wellbeing, I’ll be happy because I have guided someone on their way to a happier and healthier life.

For all new students out there, it is absolutely normal to be nervous when going into a new environment. It might take time to adjust into campus life but that is okay. Remember that there are a lot of help and resources available. Don’t be scared to open up and reach out if you ever need some help!

Originally published on Faces of ANU.

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