Alumni receive Queen's Birthday honours

Publication date
Friday, 12 Jun 2015

Four ANU Science, Medicine and Health alumni have received Queen's Birthday honours for services to the Australian community. Congratulations to all of our former students who received important recognition in the fields of medical research, medicine, education and fire management.

The University will thank all ANU award recipients personally in a ceremony in August.

The ANU Science recipients are:

Professor Murray Norris AM

BSc 1977
For significant service to medical research as a molecular biologist, and through pioneering development of treatments for cancer in children.

Mr Peter West AFSM

BSc (Forestry) 1986
Dedicated service and outstanding contribution to fire fighting and leadership in fire management in Victoria.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Deborah Terry AO FASSA

BA (Hons) 1985, PhD 1989
For distinguished service to education in the tertiary sector through senior administrative roles, as an academic and researcher in the field of psychology, and as a mentor.

Dr Tuck Meng Soo OAM

GradDipPoplnHlth 1994
For service to the community of the Australian Capital Territory as a medical practitioner.

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