Body Image

Do We Know Body Image? Understanding and Addressing Aesthetic and Functional Concerns to Enhance Well-being

Body image concerns are prevalent globally, and have significant impacts on health and well-being. Presented Dr Kristen Murray

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16 Oct 2024 4:30pm - 16 Oct 2024 5:30pm
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Dr Kristen Murray
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Body image concerns are prevalent globally, and have significant impacts on health and well-being. However, people rarely seek help for these concerns, and studies suggest they are not routinely addressed in healthcare. This lecture will introduce an emerging field of research applying mental health literacy to body image. First, an overview of body image will be presented to highlight the importance of considering both appearance and body functionality in research and practice. Second, key insights from recent studies examining knowledge and beliefs about body image will be discussed, identifying opportunities to address barriers to support and enhance body image in the community. 

About the speaker


Dr Murray is a clinical psychologist who is passionate about promoting health and well-being in the community.  She completed her Doctor of Philosophy (Clinical Psychology) at the Australian National University (ANU) in 2013, where she was awarded the Steven Klimidis Memorial Prize for Excellence in Clinical Psychology and Australian Psychological Society (APS) College of Clinical Psychologists Student Prize.  She has worked as a clinical psychologist in private practice and public health settings where she specialises in weight management, health behaviour change and eating disorders.  Her primary therapeutic approach employs cognitive behaviour therapy and motivational interviewing.

Her research in clinical and health psychology focuses on body image, specifically how individuals relate to functional experiences of the body and its implications for health behaviours and well-being.  Furthermore, her work aims to investigate novel and innovative approaches to research and practice in body image, such as by investigating community knowledge and beliefs about body image, help-seeking for body image concerns, and training programs to improve literacy in this area. She also has an interest in psychological stress, youth mental health, innovation in education and practice, and interprofessional collaboration.  Her research has been presented at national and international conferences, and published in peer-reviewed publications.

Kristen is currently a Senior Lecturer in the Research School of Psychology at the ANU, where she also convenes the Master of Professional Psychology program. She teaches and supervises students undertaking research and clinical training in professional and clinical psychology. She was previously Assistant Professor in Clinical Psychology at the University of Canberra where she taught clinical and health psychology, and convened the Master of Clinical Psychology program and External Placements.  She has received numerous national and university awards for teaching excellence, including the Australian Psychological Society Early Career Teaching Award, and individual and team awards in the ANU School of Medicine and Psychology, College of Health and Medicine, and Faculty of Health at the University of Canberra.



-33.7575936, 150.7131392

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