The Research School of Biology at ANU offers practical laboratory classes on campus.

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The Research School of Biology at ANU offers practical laboratory classes on campus. These include:

Aspects of Human Inheritance – Dave Rowell

In this practical, we explore genetic variation in humans (including ourselves!) and how genetic variation in blood can be used to solve forensic problems. This class is best for students who have a basic understanding of genetics.

DNA forensics and phenotyping – Andras Keszei

In this practical, we look at how analyzing classical patterns of inheritance compares to using modern DNA forensics to identify individuals. This class is best for students who have a basic understanding of genetics and chemistry.

 Location: Acton campus only

 Year group: Years 11 -12

 Number of students: 16 to 100 students

 Cost: No cost

 Format: Experiments

 Duration: 45 mins -  3 hours

 Availability:  (non-teaching periods at ANU) Early April, Late June/early July and Early September. Please contact us for availability throughout the rest of the year. At least 1 months’ notice required


The Sciences Teaching Building, 136 Linnaeus Way, Acton ACT 2601

-35.2756534, 149.1172901