You can find a list of parenting rooms here:

Besides the rooms listed in the link above, CoS has the following rooms available.

  • The RSAA has a quiet/wellness room, the access is card-restricted, but everyone is welcomed to ask Reception (CSO Building) for a Visitor Card to go and use the wellness room. The room is in the Woolley Building (room number W.003, coordinates -35.3214, 149.0079). It has a couch, a chair, books and handcraft materials, and very nice view of the mountains around Stromlo.
  • The RSB has two ‘designated resting areas’ (DRA). One (E1.18) is in the Robertson building, 46, and the other (1.009) in the Linnaeus Building, 134. The former is open to public access. It contains a first-aid kit, bed, single couch, sink, bar refrigerator, table, wheelchair, privacy blind on the window, privacy screening on the door, bench seat, and some kids’ toys. Accessible bathroom and shower, and kitchenette with microwave, drinking and ZIP hot-water dispenser are available nearby. This room can be used for parenting, resting, first aid, quiet room, or prayers. The second room is closed to the public. The Linnaeus DRA can be used for first aid, parenting, quiet resting, and prayers by staff with access.