April 2024: training, funding, and networking opportunities

Publication date
Monday, 18 Mar 2024

In April, the People and Culture Division is offering (among other things) a training, funding opportunity, and networking opportunity, that CoS staff could highly benefit from. Here are the details.

EDHR06 Indigenous Cultural Awareness Training: 2 April 2024

Cultural awareness training provides staff with introductory awareness to build broader and deeper relationships and collaborations with Indigenous Australians. Facilitated by Dave Widders, Anaiwan man from Armidale NSW and connected with the Kamilaroi mob of Northwest NSW (Moree), Dave is an experienced presenter and driven to promote reconciliation through a two-way education process.
This interactive workshop will provide staff at all levels with an introduction to Indigenous history and culture in Australia, and an opportunity to share and learn stories from personal and work experiences.
Training and development opportunities - Staff Services - ANU

Carers' Career Development Assistance Fund (CCDAF) is now open.

This initiative is aimed at individual academic and professional staff with caring responsibilities who require support to participate in significant national or international conferences, workshops, or career development activities - where the applicant can demonstrate their role at the event as pivotal in spurring career progression. Grants of up to $2,000 are available for reasonable costs relating to care of dependants where existing care arrangements are not available.
All applications must be sent to HRD.Development@anu.edu.au before 5:00pm Friday 5 April 2024. Be sure to read the procedure before applying and reach out if you have any questions

ANU Indigenous Staff Network

The People & Culture team is excited to reinvigorate the ANU Indigenous Staff Network this year and are calling for interest from any Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander staff members who wish to join. The team also welcomes your input on the kind of events you'd like to see in 2024.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the network, or if you are no longer interested, and wish to be removed from the distribution list, please contact indigenous.employment@anu.edu.au
Your participation is invaluable as we work to create an inclusive and supportive community at ANU.