Morning mist through ANU bluegums

As You See It! winners 2022

We hope you enjoy the beautiful photos, and look forward to sharing the 2023 ANU College of Science, and ANU College of Health and Medicine calendar in December.

Please contact us at if you would like a copy of the calendar once it’s complete.

Thanks again to all ANU alumni, students and staff who contributed to this years’ competition.

Our campus and ANU Community

Morning mist through ANU bluegums

Wes Keys

Morning mist through ANU bluegums 

Picture ID: 8819

Basket Weaving on Yolngu Country during the Garma Festival

Hannah Wood

Basket Weaving on Yolngu Country during the Garma Festival

Picture ID: 8986

Flora & Fauna

A school of stingrays

Elly Gearing


Picture ID: 8899

A female Gang-gang cockatoo

Sharyn Wragg

A female Gang-gang cockatoo (Callocephalon fimbriatum). These beautiful birds are frequent visitors of the ANU campus.

Picture ID: 8950

Health, wellbeing and Community Impact

A person holding a bird

Belinda Wilson

Volunteering on bird banding projects in western NSW is how I get back in touch with nature and recover my mental health.

Picture ID: 8872

A turtle

Martha Johnson

Chillin' Duuuude

Picture ID: 8884

Your environment

Ala Kul Lake, Karakol Region, Kyrgyzstan

Ryan Lindenmayer

Ala Kul Lake, Karakol Region, Kyrgyzstan

Picture ID: 8878

Golden Canola Fields

Hannah Wood

Golden Canola Fields in Wombat, NSW

Picture ID: 8984

The sky above

The Milkyway over Anglers Reach

Lucy Hu

The Milkyway over Anglers Reach

Picture ID: 8853

Kosciuszko National Park sky

Emma Ferguson

Kosciuszko National Park sky

Picture ID: 8915

In the lab or down the scope

A person looking down from a helicopter

Marta Yebra

This photo is part of my book "After the Orroral Valley fire" a photo book project that came about during my data-collection work assessing burn severity in the fire's aftermath with my colleague from ACT Parks and Conservation Service.

Picture ID: 8868

CUBE fission detector system

David Hinde

CUBE fission detector system inside its vacuum chamber at the 15 million Volt Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility, RSPhys.

Picture ID: 8893