Joint & Dual Award PhD programs
Joint and Dual Award PhD programs provide research candidates the opportunity to conduct research at, and graduate with PhD qualifications from, two world-leading research-intensive institutions.
Joint and Dual Award PhD programs deliver an outstanding research training experience in a collaborative environment across two institutions. Working with many of our top-quality research - intensive partner institutions globally, we have set-up a range of Joint and Dual PhD program partnerships with scholarships to support research candidature at ANU.
ANU has existing Joint and Dual Award PhD agreements with a number of partner institutions detailed below.
Joint & Dual Award PhD partner institutions
There are two types of Joint or Dual Award PhD arrangements.
- Institutional Agreements - this is an agreement between the ANU and a partner institution to collaborate and exchange multiple PhD candidates between both institutions.
- Individual Agreements - this is an agreement between the ANU, a partner institution and an individual candidate to ensure terms are agreed for a single candidate.
The College of Science and Medicine (CoSM) have Joint & Dual PhD arrangements in place with the following institutions:
- Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IITM)
- Indian Institute of Science (IISc)
- Humboldt University
- Fredrick Schiller University, Jena
-Technische Universitat Dresden *
-Peking University
-University of Chinese Academy of Science (UCAS)
-Jiangnan University *
- Universiti Malay (UM)
- University of Rennes 1 *
-Universite Reims Champagne Ardenne *
-Universite Paris Dauphine *
* Individual Joint or Dual Award Agreements.
How does a Joint or Dual award PhD work?
PhD candidates are enrolled at both institutions, and pay the tuition or enrolment fees at the 'home' institution, whilst the partner institution is known as the 'host'. The candidate works under the direction and responsibility of a supervisory panel co-chaired by a supervisor from each institution. The supervisors collaborate on all aspects of the research project and the candidate spends time (a minimum of 12 months or as agreed under the Joint / Dual PhD agreement) at each institution.
Following successful completion of the program and achieving a satisfactory result in examination the candidate is awarded either a single Doctor of Philosophy degree awarded jointly by both institutions or two degrees / testamurs recognising that the program was carried out under a Joint / Dual PhD arrangement.
Am I eligible to apply for the Joint or Dual Award PhD program?
To be eligible for the Joint or Dual Award PhD you must:
- have agreement from a proposed supervisor at both your home institution and a partner (host) institution;
- apply for the PhD program at both institutions (check the programs and courses website at ANU to identify the appropriate PhD program and minimum admission requirements (this is usually an Australian bachelor degree with first-class Honours or the international equivalent));
- apply for the Joint or Dual Award PhD program within six months* of commencing your PhD program at the home institution; and
- commence/enrol in the Joint or Dual Award PhD program within the first twelve* months of your PhD.
* extended timeframes for application and commencement may be allowed under an Institutional Joint or Dual PhD Agreement or in exceptional cases, by approval from relevant delegate/s at ANU.
How do I apply for the Joint or Dual Award PhD program?
In order to receive an offer of admission, you must:
- check the programs and courses website at ANU to identify the appropriate PhD program;
- provide copies of your academic transcript, and completion certificates, up-to-date CV, research proposal and at least two referee reports with your PhD application;
- apply for the Joint or Dual Award PhD program( please contact hdr.cos@anu.edu.au for latest versions of the Application Form and Candidature Agreement for Joint or Dual Award PhD program).
For detailed information on eligibility, entry requirements and application process, please click here.
When can I expect to receive my offer of admission?
ANU accepts applications for the Joint or Dual Award PhD program throughout the year.
Once a complete application (with all required documentary evidence) has been received, it usually takes between 8 to 12 weeks for an outcome to be determined and for the ANU to issue an offer of admission.
Offers should usually be accepted within 3 weeks of being issued to enable ANU to provide an electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE) to support a candidate's student visa application. .
Will I receive a scholarship for the Joint or Dual Award PhD program?
Applicants to the ANU PhD programs are automatically considered for eligible ANU managed scholarships. For further information on all ANU scholarships, their conditions and benefits please see the ANU Scholarships website.
Some Joint or Dual Award PhD programs offer scholarships / stipends funded by both institutions - the proposed supervisors would be able to provide more information on availability of these.
Will I need to pay tuition fees at both Institutions?
No, tuition and/or enrolment fees are paid at the 'home' institution only. However, candidates are responsible for ensuring they have a valid visa, travel and health insurance as required by the 'host' institution.
There are a number of ANU scholarships available for applicants to apply for at the ANU. For more information, please visit the ANU scholarships webpage.
NB: Eligible candidates would be automatically considered for ANU managed scholarships at the time of application.
Relevant policies, procedures, forms
- ANU Policy: Joint and dual award PhD degree
- ANU Procedure: Joint and Dual award PhD degree
- Application Form: Joint or Dual award PhD degree - please contact hdr.cos@anu.edu.au for the latest version
- Candidature Agreement: Joint or Dual award PhD degree - please contact hdr.cos@anu.edu.au for the latest version
Student experience
Blake Curtis
Dual PhD between ANU and Humboldt University

What was your motivation behind choosing to undertake the Dual PhD program?
The dual award program offered a really unique experience, the ability to gain international research experience while allowing me to continue and expand on my research on Malaria at the ANU. Graduating with a dual PhD was an attractive prospect, and the idea of moving to and being immersed in the vibrant city culture of Berlin was too good an offer too good to pass.
What have you particularly enjoyed about your experience of conducting the Dual PhD program / undertaking research work across two different labs in two separate countries?
I would say the diversity of techniques and practices I was exposed to. I started my PhD in the field of synthetic medicinal chemistry, however, my research work in Berlin centred around cell biology and parasite metabolomics, allowing me to investigate the drug activity of compounds I had synthesised myself. Each lab in each field has a unique way of approaching research, so it was interesting to learn different ways of tackling both academic and experimental challenges.
Any words of advice / suggestions to future PhD candidates on why they should consider a Dual or Joint PhD program?
A dual PhD program allows you to actively peruse a subject that interests you while also having the opportunity to try researching in a different environment (as well as potentially a different country) all the while retaining the valuable research network of your home institution. It's an invaluable experience and I would recommend a joint / dual PhD program to anyone considering it.